The film „A Law for Christmas“ is about a young and aspiring politician from Washington DC. Her only goal is to climb the career ladder as fast as possible, no matter who has to suffer.
In her pride she accepts a new position as Secratery of Agriculture and has to travel to the country just before Christmas.
There she meets the mayor, who is also a politician, but his mission is different.
Gloria Winter gets to know new people and also the true story of Christmas, which is already revealed during the film by the charity and natural faith of the townspeople.

The Wesely brothers not only have a keen eye for the art of film, but also proved they are masters of the art of storytelling, creating a story that is as entertaining as it is inspirational, and enjoyable as it is heartening.

Jeffery Wilson

International bestselling author

The Wesely brothers not only have a keen eye for the art of film, but also proved they are masters of the art of storytelling, creating a story that is as entertaining as it is inspirational, and enjoyable as it is heartening.

Austin Cagle

Professor and Theologian

The Wesely brothers not only have a keen eye for the art of film, but also proved they are masters of the art of storytelling, creating a story that is as entertaining as it is inspirational, and enjoyable as it is heartening.

Justin Bailey

Pastor at Christlife Church